Testimonials from Front Line Supervisors who Attended Workshop on Respect, Appreciation and Proactive Prevention Culture in the Workplace.
July 11, 2010What lesson or lessons were most beneficial and helpful to you?
• They were all helpful, I can’t say any one was more helpful. They were all beneficial.
• The group discussions on the topics we did. It gets everyone involved and gets everyone’s brain working. The group thing was a really good idea.
• Be a leader. You are the leader. You have to be the leader.
• The lesson to always suspend people first before firing to investigate the problem with employee.
• Having feedback from other store managers on different issues that we face day to day. Also, breaking up into groups and discussing our workbook questions allowed me to hear different points of view on the same matter.
• Just listening to everyone and how they handle situations
• Problem solving toward fellow employees.
• The lessons that were most helpful were the ones about patience and understanding with your employees (especially the younger ones)
• All lessons were helpful not only as one person, but for the whole group.
What has the Leadership & Management Skills Training Workshop done for you? (How will you/have you applied the concepts learned from the workshop?)
• It has made me try to look at things that I could do differently, and I have tried to apply some.
• It has gave me ideas of the other managers and situations they would handle. and how to better use my employees to better the company.
• To lead more. Be involved in everything.
• I learned how to try to operate store on ethical level not always looking at bottom line numbers.
• I have applied several concepts from the workshop. I am making it a point to talk to every employee in the store on a daily basis to try to boost morale while being quick to address developing problems in employee performance so that it doesn’t spread to others.
• Help me be a better problem solver. Become a better leader.
• I have been trying to apply letting everyone on the team be accountable for themselves, but still for the good of the team.
• I have took this knowledge to not only help with my worksmanship at the job, but also in life to help my family to survive.
What suggestions would you make to improve this workshop?
• I wouldn’t say too much. You did a hell of a job. I stayed interested the whole time and learned some good pointers.
• None. It was great.
• I thought the workshop was very helpful and informative the way it was. I have been to “seminars” in the past, but the small group discussions with feedback from Mr. Baumann was the most informative.
• Make it available to all employees (somehow)
• Nothing too much. Maybe just a little more time so we didn’t have to rush through it as fast.